Lance D. Lingerfelt

Senior IT Consultant
Microsoft Certified Trainer


Consulting Experience

M365 Certification


MCT Experience

MCT Certification


Artificial Intelligence

AI+ Prompt Engineer Certificaiton

Lance Lingerfelt Teaching Class

Project Highlights 2024

  • Tech Community Content Contributor - Active in Training and Adoption Community and building content for CoPilot, AI, Exchange Online, PowerShell, Graph, and other offerings.
  • Top Rated Plus Upwork Consultant - I achieved Top Rated Plus standing on Upwork which means I am in the top 3% of ALL registered consultants based on ratings and earnings.
  • Migraiton Consultant - Continuing to perform messaging migrations for different clients through Upwork and other contracts.
  • Technical Conference Speaker - Attending and Speaking at Conferences in the following year in relation to M365 technologies including AI, M365, Loop, Viva, and CoPilot. Conferences Include: Microsoft Community Days at Sea 2024, Microsoft 365 Community Conference 2024, Comms vNext 2024, and CollabCon 2024.

Below is a breakdown of projects and the percentage of time that I work on them. Multi-Certified in the Microsoft Stack, I am able to provide top notch consulting services for your needs.

M365 / AI and Copilot - 45%

Messaging/Tenant-to-Tenant/M365 Migrations - 20%

Training - 15%

Community Adoption - 20%



Company Owner
Current Clients

Providing Training, IT Services, Messaging Expertise, Security/Compliance Expertise, and AI Expertise in the Microsoft Stack within the Healthcare Industry


M365 Specialist

Active as an M365 Specialist for Unified Women's Healthcare based out of Tampa, Florida
My focus was on Security and Compliance for the M365 stack, onboarding client clinical organizations onto the M365 tenant via migraiton project work, and providing IT training for all staff including the IT department.


Security Compliance Consultant

Active as an engineer for Security and Compliance for the Employee Experience Technology team at Bank of America
The focus was on Security and Compliance for the M365 stack including Secure Score, Security Center, Compliance Manager, MIP, MS Defender, AAD, Cloud App Security, Azure Security, Information Governance, and Data Retention.


Microsoft Certified Trainer

I have been an Information Technology Trainer teaching everything from Outlook, PowerShell Scripting, to Exchange, Active Directory, M365, Networking, and Security.

Project Example

Project Update

I am currently looking for new engagements as a Migraiton Specialist, AI/Copilot Implementor, Exchange/AD/M365 Architect, Consultant, or Trainer. I am working with the Microsoft Community to help bring in the era of AI and Copilot. My focus in is in the Healthcare Industry with current projects at Dartmouth Health with RealActivity LLC.
I am heavily experienced in M365 tenant to tenant Migrations using the latest tools from different vendors including Sharegate, BitTitan, and Quest Software. I also focus on On-Premises to Cloud Migrations, and Disaster Recovery.


Carlos Merla - Manager

I highly recommend Lance for any tech lead position that he may apply for. Lance is very technical and consistently exceeded customer expectations. He quickly became our technical lead and is a very well respected team player and will bring a lot of value to any organization he is part of.


DataGlove Inc


Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft

Dan Rey - Chief Training Officer

I first met Lance five years ago while full time at Microsoft. We did an internal LinkedIn influence/elevate project together. Lance actively participated and gave recommendations to others and shared his insight from what he saw the month we did the tests.


Smarter Consulting


Microsoft Certified Trainer & Consultant

More About Me

Profile Picture Lance Lingerfelt
Lance Lingerfelt

I am an experienced consultant, with a long and vast history in the Information Technology field.  Throughout my career, I have garnered a reputation as an exemplary leader, improving processes, executing projects, and advocating for growth for both clients and the company. With a knack at troubleshooting computer issues and finding the correct resolutions for those issues, I am a proven technologist, with the ability to deliver projects on time and on budget under aggressive deadlines, while maintaining the highest levels of quality and customer service.

I have firm knowledge that 'Success breeds Success!' I strive to attain that in all my ventures.

I also perform as a Saxophonist with different groups. I am currently working on some projects and recording as it comes to me. I am also just rehearsing in my home, looking for that next gig, and building my music career.


Feel free to reach my via the form. Please don't spam me though! That is juvenile to do!



+1 (704) 222-2366

I am always looking for great collaborators. Let’s message me and make something together!

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